Thursday, October 17, 2013

Rot & Ruin

Prompt: If the author were here, what would you say and ask him/her?
Pages Read: 212 - 458

I would ask the author to not make anyone of Benny's friends die. Of course I haven't finished the book but that's the fun of it. You do not know what's going to happen next. Either you hate what's going to happen, which I hope will not happen, or you will love what's happening. Due to the fact that I'm a huge romance fan, I would like Benny and Nix to date. Although I cannot see that happening because I don't think you would add romance during a zombie apocalypse, it would really be nice to read. I hope I wouldn't be asking for too much but can  you seriously make Charlie and the Hammer die, I hate those characters, characters that are so full of themselves, characters like me.

I really do enjoy how the author is trying to mix some romance in the book. The way that the Benny and Nix know that they like each other but they can't say a thing. I find it amusing yet infuriating. I keep yelling to myself, "Dude, just hike up your skirt and ask her out!". Also I love how Benny is so confused at how he's feeling about the Lost Girl and Nix, no reader can tell which one he actually likes but I'm rooting for Nix, she was there first, so everybody back off.

The main character cannot see the bigger picture, he can't read the atmosphere at all! The main character is just infuriating, but I still kind of like him. Although he's so brave, he's honest with himself except for when he's trying to confront Nix. When he's scared, he knows that he's scared, when he's not the smartest one there, he's not the smartest one there but there is one thing that I completely hate about him. He hates his brother. Oh my god, dude! Look, you're brother saved your life, although he did leave behind your parents, he evaluated the situation, if he's going to die you will too, he cared more about you than he did himself or he loved you more then he loved his parents. He hurts too, he regrets that he left your parents behind, he couldn't do a thing. He just followed his parents orders and saved you, that means your parents love you too.

The other characters in that world are just plain stupid. They're stupid for not fighting. They're stupid for hating their loved ones (That turned to zombies). They're stupid for blaming our laptops and ipads for the apocalypse. They're stupid for fearing expanding their town because of zombies that they can kill so easily. They're stupid for a whole lot more things. Why don't they do anything? They're just stupid for fearing something that they can overpower easily. They fear zombies just because they're zombies! Stupid, don't you think?


  1. Wow Nadrian. Those are really good things to say to the author. I like how you were very specific.

  2. So If you were a character,, and then you watched the show with you as a character in it, you'd hate the character you were?

    1. If the author made me that way, yes, I would.

  3. I like the Zombie Apocalypse factor of the book! I'm crazy about zombies. Also they can't force the romance. Plus, I doubt anyone would be romantic with zombies around. You so wouldn't "hike up your skirt and ask her out"(Good Luck Charlie reference, yes I watch that show) Yes but other than that this was an amazing post.

  4. The zombie picture brought me here. I loved that you have such strong opinions about the characters. The last paragraph was my favorite. And yes they sound really stupid for being afraid. Is this Mrs.Larson's book or is it your own? Because I really want to read it! And really Carlos you watch Good Luck Charlie, that's a little weird. (In a good way I guess...)
