Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Heroes of Olympus - The Lost Hero

Prompt: Describe a character that you would like to meet (which doesn’t mean that you
think you would like the character, but that you think the character would be
interesting). List 4 questions that you would ask.
Pages Read: 320 - 522

So every chapter is basically another fight, another epic fight. Well, not exactly a fight but, an adventure. So, the trio came to Chicago. The windy city, and somehow found a mall, in the sewers... It was actually a mythical mall, owned by Medea. (Her backstory is right here --------------------------------------> She somehow gotten some sorcery powers just like Piper. She is able to use something similar to charmspeak.

The character that I would want to meet most would be Leo. I mean dude, he can build ANYTHING. The son of Haphaestus, the god of fire and forgery in your house. He can make me a robotic horse! He can fix a dragon's brain for pete's sake. He might also be able to teach me a few thing about crafting. Maybe teach me how to make a litte, mini dragon or something. Maybe a dog?

I would only get Leo in my house because I want to ask him for favors. Maybe make me a turret to keep me safe. Yeah, that would be one of my questions. "Would you make me a turret so I can shoot whoever I want to and rule the world?" I might already know the answer to that question, which wouldn't really be an answer, he would just get up and walk away.

But in all seriousness, what would be the four questions I would ask for him. Or, what would be the four things that Leo would make for me? I think one of them would be my own robotic homework doer. (Oh my god! Doer is a word! There's no red underline or anything!) Because homework is like children's worst enemy, who wouldn't want to be free from homework?  Another question would be, "Would you make me another dragon like Festus?" Okay, who wouldn't want a dragon. Seriously, a pet DRAGON! The third question would be, "Can you make me a 5 star meal?" Well, Leo is able to take anything out of his toolbelt. EVEN FOOD, he can also summon fire... World class chef right there. The last question I would ask Leo is, "Is there going to be a movie about you guys?"